Tuesday, July 09, 2019

1985, mofos!

The fine folks over at The Ringer has a new article about how great music was in 1985 but since they don't know wtf they're talking about (other than admitting We Are the World suuuuuuuucks) I will now present to you my favorite albums from that year (in no particular order.)

Tim - The Replacements
New Day Rising - Husker Du
Flip Your Wig - Husker Du
Telephone Free Landslide Free Victory - Camper Van Beethoven
Wide Awake in America - U2
Psychocandy- Jesus and Mary Chain
Smooth Studio Crafted Teen Fodder - DT & the Shakes
Out to Pasture - Rational Herdsmen
Dressed to Watch Television - The Undecided
Fables of the Reconstruction - REM

Small Spotify playlist HERE.

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