Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Only Fools du Jour

Over at its IMDB page is a list of The Top 20 Only Fools and Horses episodes, ranked by fans. Here are my thoughts on their placements.

Dates - nice for a funny scene with Del Boy joining the computer dating world, and renowned as the episode in which he meets Raquel, but #1? Really? Wouldn’t be in my top 30.

Yuppy Love - Definitely belongs here. In my Top 5 - features the famous bar fall scene, and Rodney meeting Cassandra.

Time On Our Hands
- when they finally become millionaires! Great episode - was supposed to be the finale. Totally belongs as high as anyone wants to put it.

This one gets a second video! :)

Jolly Boys Outing - much beloved episode, not really for its humor but for its warmth. (IMHO.) Tho the bus explosion is an epic moment.

Heroes and Villains - great episode, famous for the Batman & Robin scene. Fits here.

The Class of ’62 - love this episode, as it features all of the characters together, which I always love.

To Hull and Back
- never understood why this one is so popular with fans. Not very funny, and not having a laugh track is off-putting. One of my least favorite episodes.

Chain Gang - love this one for the same reason I love Class of ’62. Thumbs up!

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? - good episode, not great, that really hits the mark re: how having to take care of Rodney has frustratingly held Del Boy back from attaining his dreams. Wouldn’t be in my top 20, though.

A Touch of Glass - fantastic episode, and not only for the iconic chandelier scene. Definitely in my top 5, maybe 3.

Modern Men - my favorite of the 1996 Christmas trilogy, and the scene with Del talking to Rodney before seeing Cassandra after her miscarriage is stunning. Top 5!
(Spent 30 minutes looking for the clip, isn’t online. Grrrr.)

Three Men, a Woman, and a Baby - no idea why this is on this list, other than the birth of Del & Raquel’s son Damien. Otherwise, a meandering episode featuring the curious friction of Rodney & Cass’ marriage, the cause of which is never clear. Bottom 15 episode for me.

Strained Relations - may be my all-time #1 episode. Includes the introduction of Uncle Albert, the heartbreaking funeral for grandad, and one of the greatest moments of any sitcom ever.

A Losing Streak - really good episode, fantastic finish. Probably not in my top 20, though.

Danger UXD - definitely Top 10! Not much to say, just a brilliant premise.

A Royal Flush
- no idea how it’s possible this is on. The list. Not a good episode, and is also John Sullivan’s least favorite.

Big Brother - GREAT episode - should be in top 5! First episode, introduces us to the Trotters - and Trigger? As good a first episode as can be.

Rodney Come Home - other than the great scene below, which is in my Top 5 scenes, this is another meandering episode featuring the curious friction of Rodney & Cass’ marriage, the cause of which is never clear” episode.

Sickness & Wealth - good episode, not great, but really good. Features all the characters at some point. Not Top 20, but I always enjoy it.

The Russians are Coming
- great because elf Grandad’s incredible monologue, but not much else happening. Not Top 20 for me.

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