Friday, December 20, 2019

A Few Thoughts on Tulsi Gabbard

Yes, she's super hot. But her parroting Republican talking points by saying impeachment of Trump “undermines our democracy by taking away the voters’ right to choose who leads our country" is asinine.

- Democracy means we let voters choose who leads the country. It doesn’t mean that once that person is in office he or she can do whatever they want without consequences.

- Setting a precedent of “we shouldn’t impeach, we should only vote!” means from here on out people will run for President knowing that if elected they’ll have 4 solid years to do whatever they want w/o consequences. Imagine having 4 years to shake entire countries down for $$$$ and cause as much damage to anybody you personally want to.
She also said her "present" vote was "an active protest against the zero-sum game the two opposing political sides have trapped America in. My vote and campaign is about freeing our country from this damaging mindset so we can work side-by-side to usher in a bright future for all."
- I think that in the year 2019 a presidential candidate trying to tell us that it’s even remotely possible to negotiate and compromise with Republicans is automatically disqualifying.
- Is there a reason we’re taking this person seriously anymore?

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