Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Real Nightmare

Article about the comfort food that is the American version of Kitchen Nightmares:
Each episode plays out with almost identical beats: Ramsay is served the terrible food, interviews the highly deluded owners, investigates the kitchen for unhygienic horrors, observes a disastrous dinner service, and uses his expertise to repair the restaurant’s problems, all while doing a lot of yelling. The American version premiered in 2007 and is a product of the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition era of reality television, each episode ending with a surprise restaurant makeover and (usually) thankful owners, tied up with a nice bow.
What this article fails to mention is to not watch the terrible American version and binge the amazing original British one instead, which is always intoxicating.

I've said it before, there is an almost perfect symmetry to Gordan Ramsay's two Kitchen Nightmares series in that there's not a single moment in any of the original British ones that I couldn't watch over and over until the end of time, and yet there's hardly a second of the American version that's watchable.

And yes, I will remind you once again why the American version of the show suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. You're welcome, Earth.

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