Thursday, April 09, 2020

Brien the Bust

For decades I've known that Brien Taylor, the Yankees' #1 overall pick in 1991, had been a bust, never making it to the big leagues. And I knew it was because of his arm, but I always assumed it was a baseball-related injury. Incredibly, it was not:
Taylor pitched well in the minors in 1992 and 1993, striking out 327 batters in 324 innings, but then tragedy struck. That offseason, Taylor's brother got into a bar fight and Taylor went to protect him, putting up his arm to fend off a punch. He tore his rotator cuff completely off the bone. He never reached the majors.
A bar fight? Because of his stupid brother? How many millions of dollars did that cost him, and how awkward is that dinner table at Thanksgiving every year? Yikes!

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