Monday, April 27, 2020

Rodman? Oh, PUH-leease!

Everyone's going nuts over Dennis Rodman taking a 48-hour break in the middle of a season, but have we already forgotten about Ron Artest?
Most people remember Artest’s fight at the Palace in 2004 –NBA player jumps into stands to fight, the world’s over we should all kill ourselves. Okay. But what got lost in that shuffle and what continues to both amaze me and crack me up is that earlier in the season, Artest had walked into his team’s offices and asked for a month off to promote a cd he had made for some girl group friends of his. The gumption and stupidity to walk in and ask for such a thing – Ron, my cap will always be doffed. Never forget, people! 
Rodman wanted a brief break to recharge his batteries in the service of helping his team; Artest wanted a month off to...promote someone else' album. So please people, a little respect for Artest!

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