Monday, April 13, 2020

Via le Pub Quiz!

[NOTE: I posted this hours ago but just now realize I'd forgotten the link to the article. Derp. So I've resurfaced it as the top post. You're welcome!]

From my love of Britcoms has come a jealousy of the ubiquity of pub quizzes throughout England; it's pretty much a part of their DNA. Over the years I've tried to convince friends to start a team at one of the "British" pubs in DC, to no avail. But in Britain, today they're going stronger than ever, virus and pub closings be damned:
These days, pub quizzes have become more than just an opportunity to flex some knowledge and compete with friends. In an era of social distancing, where traditional gatherings have been banned, the pub quiz is an unlikely savior for those in need of something to do or someone to (virtually) hang out with. In the weeks since Britain went into lockdown, dozens of online pub quizzes have emerged to meet that need—many of them adapted by existing quizmasters across the country.
I've started a regular quiz night with some of my friends, using Zoom like everybody else. It's fairly easy to do between Google, knowledge I already have, and literally thousands of quizzes already set up for people to use.

And truth be told, the minute everything's back to normal, those quiz nights will probably end...the question is, why?

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