Monday, October 12, 2020

Boomer Foodstuffs Have I Loved

I am not a Baby Boomer - or even close, really - but I take umbrage at the following items on this 30 Gross Foods Only Baby Boomers Still Think are Cool list: 

Vienna sausage - potted meat's more dignified cousin, obviously.

Bologna sandwich - potted meat flattened and put on cloud-like Wonder Bread (preferably fried)(the bologna, not the cloud-like Wonder Bread)

Chicken pot pie - who the fuck didn't eat these every day in college, 5 for $1?

Shepherd’s Pie - WHO THE EFF DOESN'T LIKE SHEPHERD'S PIE!??! Also, hasn't it been around for like a thousand years - NOT just a "Boomer" thing?

Cracker Barrel - okay, while it may be fun to snarkily have a go at the type of people we picture at Cracker Barrel, if you don't absolutely love chowing down there then you have officially lost the plot of this thing we call "life".

Spam - enjoy!


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