Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Relief BS

I didn't watch a second of the World Series because I don't really give a shit since my beloved Yankees aren't in it, but I did follow enough online to know that the Rays' manager removed their starting pitcher in the 6th while he was effortlessly mowing down Dodger after Dodger - thanks to this now being a league which is a slave to analytics - after which his reliever promptly coughed up the two runs that would cost them the game and the series.

Again, I don't really care, other than its a great reminder that NY Daily News writer Bill Madden once wrote of former Yankees manager Joe Girardi, who was often guilty of doing the same (BEFORE it was cool to do throughout the league as a manager!), as being "in the constant search for the one guy who doesn't have it."

Hey, we can all laugh now.

UPDATE: On a whim I just checked Bill Madden's Twitter. Ha!

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