Friday, October 09, 2020

Your Daily Poe (Edgar Allan If You're Nasty)

As it's officially October (BOO!), I will on every day be reading one short story written by the Master of the Macabre himself, and briefly commenting on it. Enjoy!

Day 5: The Premature Burial

Thoughts: Meh. Not much to this one. First of all how hard is it to remind people that being buried alive is terrifying? And then an ending that's less Poe and more Three's Company. If you want terrifying buried alive stories, the list begins and ends with Alfred Hitchcock's classic episode, Final Escape. This one felt like a "Is the Thought of Being Buried Alive Scary to You?" brochure at a highway rest stop.

Memorable Line:  "I violently threw up my arms, which had been lying at length, with the wrists crossed. They struck a solid wooden substance, which extended above my person at an elevation of not more than six inches from my face. I could no longer doubt that I reposed within a coffin at last."

Score from 1 - 10: 3. Treading water with this one; I'm ready to move on.

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