Monday, October 26, 2020

Your Daily Poe (Or Edgar Allan If You're Nasty)

As it's officially October (BOO!), I will on every day be reading one short story written by the Master of the Macabre himself, and briefly commenting on it. Enjoy!

Day 17, Part 3: Hop-Frog

Thoughts: Even Poe's best stories rarely - if ever - leave you with a taste of joy, which makes Hop-Frog unique in his canon. Unlike The Cask of Amontillado, this tale of revenge is a pure delight in that not only do you know why the revenge is taken, but you find yourself openly rooting for the hero to enact it on the "bad guys". Even as you you know what's coming you allow yourself to thrill in it, openly thinking "hell yeah!" when the closest thing Poe ever comes to to a "mic drop" moment occurs. As with The Cask of Amontillado we assume the guilty party is never punished for his deed; unlike that tale, Hop-Frog is the closest story so far to a classic fairy tale: white knight saves young princess and they're off to live happily ever after. Here's to that whack dwarf Hop-Frog, dammit!

Memorable Line: "As for myself, I am simply Hop-Frog, the jester -- and this is my last jest."

Score from 1-10: 9

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