Friday, October 23, 2020

Your Daily Poe (Or Edgar Allan If You're Nasty)

As it's officially October (BOO!), I will on every day be reading one short story written by the Master of the Macabre himself, and briefly commenting on it. Enjoy!

Day 16: The Black Cat

Thoughts: A disappointing re-tread of The Tell-Tale Heart: guy kills someone, cleverly hides the body, only to have it revealed after a way-too-smug meeting with the cops. Though I give props for the cat being buried as well and the one to fuck it up for the narrator. Also, particularly in the beginning, the tone and rhythm of this story is by far the most laid-back of the Poe works I've read so far. Maybe because the narrator is an unreliable one, a bit bull-shitty from the start?

Memorable Line: "But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburthen my soul." ALSO NOMINATED: I have never seen or heard anybody refer to the prospect of spousal abuse thusly: "I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife; at length, I even offered her personal violence." Wow! "say, baby, would you like some violence? I have a roundhouse kick to the head going for free right now, how 'bout it?"

Score from 1-10: 5

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