Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Official Preppy Handbook

It somehow occurred to me that 2020 marks the 40th anniversary of the hilariously-timed The Official Preppy Handbook. I read the it over and over when I was a kid and I thought it was funny as shit, but I had no idea until listening to a (much) later NPR interview with the author just how seriously some people took the book, literally using it as a "guide" on how to live their lives. I guess in my world at the time I couldn't fathom that people like that actually existed. Today, I just wonder how many peope who were "preppies" back in 1980 are now dead from old age?

One funny thing I have learned though the years is that one trademark of the preppy is that much like today's hipsters, a preppy will refuse to acknowledge that he or she is, in fact, a preppy. This list includes:

1) Preppy
2) Hipster
3) "The Man"

4) "Part of the System"

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