Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Less Than 24 Hours to Go

Fascinating insider look at the final 24 hours of the Clinton administration as told through a series of Slate articles, put together via Twitter thread.  

One of the pleasures of this job is eating at the White House mess. I went there to pick up some carryout a couple of hours ago. It was my last mess meal, because by tomorrow morning I’m supposed to have settled up my bill. As I entered the first floor of the West Wing, I was shocked to see that another small pleasure had disappeared. Normally, the walls are hung with large recent photos of the president, called “jumbos.” These are selections of the best work of our brilliant White House photographers and feature the president in various recent settings (meeting with his Cabinet, shaking hands with children at a school, etc.). This morning, the jumbos were taken down, and the walls are now eerily bare.

This in particular would be a nice feeling to go back to, i.e. normal governance:

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