Friday, January 15, 2021

Oh Great, More Actor BS

I have no idea why I even stumbled into this review of the new ABC show Hanging with Mom; the commercials I've seen so far make it look like a sitcom that's far too old-fashioned and dated even for a classic sitcom lover who's 1000 years old like me, with ham-fisted "Mom doesn't wanna be known as being over 40!" jokes that will surely make eyes roll out of heads.

And of course we get this from Kyra "Mrs. Kevin Bacon" Sedgewick:

Son Travis and daughter Sosie, aren’t interested in the work she or husband Kevin Bacon do

“They don’t watch our shows,” she says. “They have no interest in thinking about us as anything but mom and dad.”

Oh for fuck's sake.

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you call this bullshit 14 years ago?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers. YES I DID:

I've just about fucking had it with actors or musicians going on tv and blathering on and on about how unimpressed with their jobs their kids are, how "uncool" they see them.  Yes, I'm sure your kids wish you were the assistant manager at Kmart.  For fuck's sake, shut the fuck up - just once I'd like to see someone say "I'm a fucking movie star, you're goddam right my kids think I'm the coolest thing in the world."

Other Xmastime actor BS may be found HERE. And HERE. Among many, MANY other posts, really. Grr.

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