Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Watching the first season of The Real World isn't making me nostalgic for the 90s but it is making me nostalgic for a time when people my age apparently ate spaghetti three meals a day. - XMASTIME

Apparently a reunion of the first season of The Real World is coming!!!!! Pinch me I'm crying:

The Real World season one’s cast apparently agreed to MTV and Bunim-Murray’s terms for some kind of reunion, as the cast has recently been filmed—and may now be done with production—in New York City, according to a reliable MTV spoiler.

“MTV has been filming  season one of their Real World reunion series starting with the first season in NY,” PinkRose posted at Vevmo.

The post listed all seven original cast members: Becky Blasband, Andre Comeau, Heather B. Gardner, Julie Gentry, Norm Korpi, Eric Nies, and Kevin Powell.

The format for their reunion is not clear. Will they live in a house full of Ikea furniture and a metaphoric fish tank? Will they just gather on sofas to talk?

Whatever it looks like, it’s great that MTV is capitalizing on nostalgia for early reality TV, and recognizing what it still has in The Real World and its early cast members. Their actual lives were taped in those early years, before the show became a place where people just went to try to find a life of fame.

I can't remember how many seasons ago I stopped watching The Real World - maybe 10? 12? - and I have no idea how many times I've posted about it but here are a few old bits about it you're welcome, Earth! 

Pretty amazing Sunday so far, lounging around in my drawers binging Season 1 of The Real World OMG I just realized I've become my father. Dammit. (from 2016)

Why isn't there some sort of definitive documentary on this series? As goofy as it's become, it WAS a pioneering show, and there must be some value in it somewhere. And I don't mean some stupid fucking MTV one; I mean some 8-hour in-depth joint with Leiv Schrieber narrating. (from 2009)

A few things that bother me about The Real World (from 2006):

    a. Unless you grew up under a rock in Siberia or, worse, Kansas, you’ve seen the show. Every year they get some humongous, tricked-out fantasy house that’s amazing – has a pool, big aquarium, John Candy stuffed and mounted on the mantle, whatever. But EVERY FUCKING YEAR we gotta spend half the first episode watching these idiots sprinting from room to room shrieking “OHMYGODLOOKITTHISHOUSEITSAMAZING!!!!” no shit, dumbass. So were the first 16 houses. Knock it off and hurry up to the obligatory first-episode hot tub scene so we can find out which chick is the one with the “serious boyfriend” who of course ends up banging everybody in sight for 5 months – all part, of course, of her “learning to grow and like myself as a person, and learning to live all by myself.” I love how there’s always that one chick who decides she’s gonna “take time off” from her bf so that she can prove to herself and everybody else that dammit, she can be independent!! Ahhhmmm, sweetheart…you’re being propped up by MTV for 22 weeks- sleeping til 4pm every day, drinking a ton of free booze and fucking everything in sight while wearing a band aid over your titties in the hot tub. I’m not sure that’s really  considered “making it on your own” as an independent woman. But hey, what do I know.

    b. I also love these “jobs” they give these assholes. My two favorites were the cast of Las Vegas - “hosting” parties, wherein the girls would dress like sluts and get drunk and the boys would grind on said “employees”, and last season in Austin where they have to…fuck, did anyone ever catch what they were supposed to do? Something like photograph a band from SXSW. Once. Hmm. Tough one. Other classics of course include San Diego (“Your job is to learn to ride around in a big boat”) and Paris, where they acted as “travel writers” meaning they went to bars throughout the city and “wrote reviews” about them. Has anybody seen this collection of works published? Yes? No? Does it really matter anyways, when Adam’s dad knows Lionel Richie? Just once I’d like to see where all the kids are sitting together all fired up about finding out what there job is gonna be, and then it’s revealed…ta-da! Slaughterhouse! For the next 4 months you’ll be pulling out pig rectums with your bare, stupid hands!! Welcome to the real world, fuckheads!! Ironically, of course, there’s always at least one douchebag that has to get fired from these “jobs” because he just cant get his ass out of bed after a night of pounding vodka and crying onto his roommate's shoulder how much he has grown to love/respect him over the last 4 weeks. Between that and puking, who the fuck’s got time for work? Hall of Fame Award here goes to Montana, who got fired for actually giving wine to children. God bless you, Montana. You’re ugly, you’re stupid, you’re worthless but you have managed to find yourself in the Real World Hall of Fame.

"What's that? Really? Why yes, I do just happen to be available right now..."

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