Monday, February 08, 2021

25,000th Post

This is my 25,000th post. 25,000!!!!!! Since November 2005, I've been pounding away (heh heh heh, still got it!) here, day after day after day after day. Nobody asked for it. Nobody wanted it. But I've persisted. And I'll continue to do so. I may not get to 50K quite so fast - I had a LOT of free time for some years - but I will get there.

Over the years there's been some recurring "characters" you can do a search for, such as:

Op, Watty, Kdawggy, Mamalizza, Fashion Herald, Marley (grrrrr! Marley!), Rrthur (YES, ladies, THAT Rrthur), Sistatime!, Brothatime!!, illWill, Favorite Playah, Marah, Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), Theodore, Big Bear, The Short Bus, Husky, Cherry Bomb, Josie, Paddy Mac and many, many more...I'm sure I'm forgetting some folks (be on the lookout for an updated XMASTIME HALL OF FAME in the next few days) so I'll just stop now and say thank you for peeking in here every once in a while.

It's been a blast, and I'm looking forward to the next 25k posts! :)

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