Saturday, February 27, 2021

Ah, The Right/Wrong/Victims/Some Other Shit

There's REAL racism alive and well out there, and white people thinking it's creeping up on them laughable. I rue the day we let black people have access to the Internet and they see this shit. - XMASTIME

I just watched Megyn Kelly on Bill Maher's show sand they were lamenting the "new" desire by everybody to feel themselves to be victims. They went on & on and were boring, but I must say it's refreshing to find the rest of the country finally catching up to me in 2011 when I uttered what will one day be in my obituary as testament to my fundamental genius:

It's as if it's no longer just enough to be right, it's much more important to be wronged.

I  will struggle to remain humble. You're welcome, Earth!

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