Friday, February 05, 2021


Nice, short bit on someone anxiously trying what she hopes to be life-changing cheesesticks:

For three weeks straight, I dreamed of mozzarella sticks. To be fair, I’ve thought about mozzarella sticks on and off for most of my life, but the intensity of my lust grew as I stayed in my apartment to quarantine for almost a month, unable to go anywhere after a COVID exposure. As soon as I was able to safely go outside again, I knew what I had to do.

In the end, they just seem....okay:

Does Big Stick Willy’s deliver on its promise of perfect mozzarella sticks? Maybe! Each item I tried only garnered, at most, 23 possible points on my 25-point scale, with most of the points deducted for texture, something that I have to believe would improve if the sticks were eaten in their proper environment: out of a red plastic tray, ordered after one too many drinks, shared by a group of friends. When we can do that again, I’m confident these mozzarella sticks — and everything else — will improve immeasurably.

First of all,  I'd suggest tweaking their logo so as to NOT look like a shit log.

Secondly, it reminds us of the time some guy made a big deal out of all-you-can-eat cheesesticks yet only ate  32 in 14 hours, I mean dafuck?

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