Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Staged Season 2, Ya'll!

I've blathered several times already about the delightful Michael Sheen & David Tennant Covid sitcom Staged and assumed it'd be another few months before Season 2, so you can imagine my delight at being surprised by it popping up on Hulu last night.

One way to tell how good a show is to see how many guest stars want to appear on it, so let's see the difference here:

Impressive! It was amazing to see Sheen/Tennant onscreen with other British icons such as Pegg/Frost, and as an American who doesn't know anybody else who watches so much British comedy it was also wonderful to see American actors in the mix. Jim Parsons in particular was great but BEN. SCHWARTZ. AKA. JEAN. RALPHIO. SAPERSTEIN. FOR. THE. GODDAM. WIN!!!!!!!

And of course it was awesome to see Michael Palin, famous for being the nicest guy in England and who Sheen & Tennant obviously worship (naturally), shit on them to their great horror.

The entire season was just fantastic, and of course now I'm totally depressed because I burned though it one night and don't have it to look forward to. My one nit would be that for some reason they had a lot of scenes with Sheen & Tennant's significant others, along with Simon the director's sister. Not that they weren't fun or anything, but in the end you just want to see as much Sheen & Tennant as possible. Tennant's grouchy hangdog straight man was fantastic but Sheen's cartoonish version of himself should win every award out there, remarkably funny.

Can't wait for Season 3!!!!!!!!

(Sorry for the subtitles below, couldn't find a video without them. fucking maddening.)

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