Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Steve Perry

The Sopranos finale put Journey back on the map with Don't Stop Believin', which reminds me that while I never thought Journey was a good band Steve Perry was an incredible singer and his solo hit Oh, Sherry WAS a great song...but he never followed it up....why?

And then I remember this:

I'm watching the Don't Stop Believin': Everyman's Journey doc on Independent Lens and it's fairly interesting as a "rags to riches, YouTube sensation takes the place of one of his heroes and the band overcomes losing their iconic lead singer!" story just as long as you refrain from asking yourself the simple question wait - why didn't they just get Steve Perry to come back? 

From what I recall of the doc, they kicked him out twice for 1) needing surgery and 2) wanting to be with his mother as she was dying.

Journey as a band is inconsequential but he was a great singer; I would have liked to see a follow-up to Oh, Sherry, and his band kicking him out repeatedly is ridiculous and probably the reason they've never mattered since.

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