Monday, April 05, 2021

A Hard George is Honna Fall

57 years ago today, the opening scene of A Hard Day’s Night - an Xmastime superslice of superslices - was filmed. 

One thing that's always struck me is that in the opening seconds, George trips and falls when running down the sidewalk. If this happened today to any of our FABULOUS!!! pop stars, said fabulous pop star would shut down production for 6 weeks while they checked themselves into a hospital and worked up a nice little painkiller addiction, all while suing the ass off of the production company. But George (with Ringo on top of him) just bounces right back up, laughing and running. Camera never stops.

Please mute the sound below as some assholes decided to put their own version of the song over the real one grrrrrrrrr. 

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