Thursday, April 15, 2021

April 15, 2001

20 years ago today, Joey Ramone died. What's there to say that hasn't been said already?  I'd just say that if someone could make the leap as far as Joey did from being born into hopelessness, a runt-of-the-litter, weird-looking freak hammered at constantly that his future was failure and, if he was lucky, a life in the loony bin, to someone whose cultural presence 20 years after his death is rolling down the hill picking up more and more importance like snow on a snowball, then maybe you can do the same thing, no matter where you start from. - XMASTIME YEARLY POST

20 years ago Rrthur (YES, ladies, THAT Rrthur!) met up at a dark bar on Grand Street with red booths, scared to look at each other because we knew we'd start crying if we did. Then I went home and played every Ramones album, the same ones I'd worn out since I was 13, and did.

Thanks, Joey.

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