Thursday, April 29, 2021

Bipartisianship is for Suckers

I've been screaming for quite awhile now that Democrats need to give up this fever dream of trying to get Republicans to agree with them on shit, insisting that bipartisanship is somehow more important than getting shit done that they wanna get done. Fellow genius Ezra Klein agrees:

The case for bipartisanship is that we are a divided nation, and legislation should reflect the best ideas of both sides, while not overly antagonizing either. “The truth is, my Democratic friends do not have all the answers and my Republican friends do not, either,” Manchin wrote. “This has always been the case.” He’s right. Neither party can claim omniscience. But in practice, bipartisan governance does not result in legislation featuring the best ideas of Republicans and the best ideas of Democrats. At least in the modern era, that’s likelier to happen through partisan governance.

To insist on bipartisanship as a condition of passage is to believe that it’s better for American politics to choose its solutions from the kid’s menu.

Democrats of course are the worst, even now with a majority they're so desperate to NOT be accused of...what, doing what their constituents have asked them to do? They are the living personification of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. For fucks sake what the point in having elections if we don't let those elected govern?

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