Friday, April 23, 2021

Cool Pops!

31 years ago I met one of my college suite mates for freshman year, Greg Tsigaridas. I immediately called him “Cool Pops”, and have ever since. We haven’t seen each other since then, we’re just purely Facebook friends, but he’s just one of those really, really good people that make you happy when good things happen to them.

He grew up in Amelia County, with his Greek father owning what I’m sure was the only diner in Amelia County. Then went to nearby Longwood and never left - now he’s the big mucketty-muck overseeing the campus IT department.

He spent most of his youth in the diner, and a few years ago after his father died they sold it. He took me there to eat once and it was exactly as delightful as you'd picture it. But apparently he held on to some of the 45s that spent years and years shouting out from the jukebox, and now I see this FB post from him:

Last night I had the pleasure of joining my friends on their radio show, Last Move, where the theme was "Buddys Jukebox." I brought along 17 selections that had played at my parents' restaurant from 1977-87, and seeing those records spinning again after being in storage for 30-40 years was really special. Thanks Mark and Ian for having me on and prompting a walk down memory lane! If you want to give it a listen, it'll be available here for two weeks.

This is a sincere thrill for me to listen to. Thanks, Cool Pops. 

(I'd embed it here but I don't know if a click here takes away from his Soundcloud numbers, so.)

Me/Pops/Shannon doing what dudes did in the early 90s!

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