Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Reagan -> Trump -> ?

Ronald Reagan has always had a haze of "Great American President" about him because the Boomers worshiped him as their John Wayne and kids my age didn't really know any better, and he was funny and charismatic when the cameras were rolling, but as time rolls by it become more and more obvious of what an incredibly shitty person and president he was.

This article recalls too many instance of what a monster he really was to put in a single post here so I won't even bother. But it's incredibly obvious that the reason we ended up with Trump as president is Reagan, and it's only going to get worse it we let it. Our only hope is Biden's polciies of doing the exact opposite of this shithead working so well for everybody and not just Scrooge McDuck are finally clarified in people's minds when they vote.*

*I have exactly zero hope of this happening

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