Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Thank You, Internet

LITerally yesterday I wondered to myself ("wondered to myself" opposed to, "wondered to a little Spanish boy who's just about to get rejected by the new girl in class", I guess?) has anyone figured out the single biggest score you can get during a game of Scrabble and OMG GUYS THEY HAVE:


Definition: An anti-inflammatory medication used to treat arthritis and bursitis.

Conditions: The theoretically highest-possible scoring word under American Scrabble play—as calculated by Dan Stock of Ohio—has never actually been played … and probably never will (unless you’re really, really lucky). That’s because it has to be played across three triple word score squares and built on eight already-played (and perfectly positioned) tiles.

Points: 1778 

TBH you'd think my long history of gout would've hipped me to this. But the 2nd-highest score you can possibly get is only but my all-time record is only 419 with QUIZZIFY, so I'm not exactly sweatin' my 149. (humble curtsy)

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