Monday, May 24, 2021

CC Cighting!

New York Yankees world champion CC Sabathia is lighting it up in a Central League softball league:

Before the season, Sabathia sprung for a new bat, batting gloves, and a Ken Griffey Jr. model glove — Sabathia’s first time buying gear since he was a kid — and the former Cy Young winner was slotted in the clean-up spot and given the start at first base. (He expressed zero desire to throw any more innings as a pitcher.) Sabathia has played in two of the Warriors’ four games so far (all wins), and he got off to a slow start in his first few innings, dropping a throw to first and weakly putting the ball in play in his first two at-bats. But since then, he’s found his groove, and he’s been dazzling his teammates with his displays of power.

Any Yankees fan who watched CC for a decade is not surprised about this at all. Fun!

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you ask for this 12 years ago?"

Sigh. Yes, faithful readers. Yes, I DID: 

AMAZING XMASTIME IDEA: How awesome would it be to have a reality show about a major league ballplayer, a year after retiring, joining some random, kinda crappy, co-ed Sunday beer league? I mean, there's some dudes in the league I'm in that scare the hell outta me; can you imagine standing there and A-Rod walks up to the plate?

I see a few ways that it could go that would pull you in like a mofo:

a) guy inexplicably struggles, can't seem to get a hit and fucks up in the field. The drama of having a major league player fucking up would be amazing. Pressure builds every week as he's embarrassed and pressing.

b) somehow throughout the season the athletic, rich, famous ballplayer forms a friendship with the last guy on the bench, some nerdy loser who isn't really well-known throughout the league and isn't a good player at all, and has zero confidence in himself. In a word: touching!

c) the guy's competitive instincts kick in and as the games go by he completely unravels at everybody else's lack of talent compared to his own; by midseason he's screaming at a girl for dropping a ball, and everybody hates his guts.

Only rule: he can't pay for everybody's beers after the game.

I'd watch!!!!
"Watty? Who's that? Great first baseman? Yeah well that was in the old day, Boomers - CC's here now!"

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