Monday, May 17, 2021

More Funny History!

As you incredibly loyal fans know too well, it's long been my dream to turn James Swanson's brilliant Manhunt into a comedic screenplay. And now I may wanna follow that with a sequel about the shooting of Franz Ferdinand during a motor procession through the streets of Sarajevo:

1) Wanna-be killer - one out of a group of three - throws a grenade at Ferdinand's moving car

2) Didn't realize there's a 1-secnd delay with the grande, so the grenade blows up under the fourth car in the procession instead of Ferdinand's, hurting some folks but killing nobody (in particular, not killing Ferdinand)

3) Wanna-be killer pops a capsule of cyanide, throws himself into the river to ensure he dies

4) Whoops! Cyanide pill had expired!

5) aaaaaaaaaand the river was only 4 inches deep, so the police immediately dragged his dumb ass out, fully alive

6) Ferdinand decides to go visit the victims at the hospital, but there's a mix-up about the directions and the car makes a few wrong turns

7) Upon realizing this the driver stops and tries to do a u-turn in the middle of the street, but the car stalls out and the wheels lock up

8) Another of the three wanna-be killers happens to be standing right there. BLAMMO!

I got all this from a small Wikipedia page, I'm sure with some digging we can really bring home some comedy!

"If the guy from Parks and Rec can play me then yes, yes, YES!"

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