Tuesday, October 12, 2021

BE&C Pleeeeeeeeaze

Joint over at Salon on the perfect breakfast sandwich:

I pondered this as I dug into my current favorite breakfast sandwich, which lives at Kasama — a modern Filipino restaurant and bakery in Chicago's Ukrainian Village neighborhood. This particular sandwich layers a custardy egg soufflĂ© square, a caramelized longanisa sausage patty, an oozing slice of American cheese and a hash brown (if you're going all out) between two squishy potato roll halves. It's just cheffy enough, though it bears a few unmistakable similarities to the Sausage Egg McMuffin.

Blah blah blah fancy schmancy pancy bullshit. I often talk about the fact that while every slice of pizza in New York City may not be THE WORLD'S GREATEST!!, the truth is that while there you're rarely a block away from a slice that's really, really good. And I'd say the same thing for the breakfast sandwich - and by "breakfast sandwich", I mean the classic bacon, egg & cheese on a roll. Hell, these may be even more ubiquitous than pizza. No matter how raggedy-ass, filth-ridden any bodega you wander by may look like, whatever bacon, egg & cheese they serve up to you I PROMISE will be fucking scrumptious.

POSTSCRIPT: The Egg McMuffin is garbage, I truly don't understand the appeal; the English Muffin is always streamed and gross JUST GET THE GODDAM GREAT BISCUIT ALREADY, PEOPLE!!

This isn't a real bodega baggoneggandcheeze but damn it looks close.

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