Tuesday, October 12, 2021

TIM: What Could've Been

Ever since I was in short pants I've bitched and moaned that if Tim had included Can't Hardly Wait (the original version) and Nowhere is My Home and dumped Dose of Thunder, Lay It Down Clown and I'll Buy, it would be the greatest album of all time. - XMASTIME

"Yeah...what the heck is Goofy?"

1. If by "short pants" I mean shorts, well I not only still wear them but I've worn them for about 807 days straight now.

2.  Someone on Facebook not only agrees with me (except for keeping I'll Buy, which I can live with), but put together my dream  album on Spotify.

3. I guess I coulda taken the 16 seconds and done the playlist myself, but hey I'm pretending to put together a life here, people.

Enjoy what Tim COULD HAVE BEEN - you're welcome, Earf!

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