Tuesday, April 26, 2022

American Suckers

I've never been under any delusion of "The American Dream". I know that if you are smart and bust your ass and get lucky, you can rise to some sort of "American Dream" position. But for the other 99% of us, we hafta somehow crank out an existence. And one leftover consequence of the quarantine may be workers finally realizing that it's a sucker's bet to waste your life gunning for some slightly-better-but-not-more-fulfilling situation when it's the people who actually profit from your doing so are the ones selling you on this "American Dream". Here's some such on the something or other:

Work asked us to keep our productivity apace despite managing an unprecedented health scare that was visibly stealing lives in front of us every day. We were told to consider spreadsheets and content as equally important as keeping ourselves and our kids functioning. It’s hard to want more of that, to strive for an even higher spot in that poisoned hierarchy.

We assume it's in our natural DNA to worship at the altar of "hard work!", even if it's to the detriment of our own well-being. But it's not "natural", it's just some shit that's been sold by the people with the money to the people without the money, all under the bullshit premise that "gee if you only killed yourself working for me then one day you'll be as rich as me!"

If you're lucky, you live 80 years. Out of 13 billion (so far). Our jobs during our infinitesimally tiny amount of time we have alive is to make ourselves and others happy. I like to think I will one day ascend to John Lennon level thinking:

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