Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Current Status

Kids have always liked me, probably because I’m the proverbial “giant teddy bear”: big, goofy, and not at all to be taken very seriously.  I’d rather be sitting at the kiddie table during Thanksgiving dinner than with the adults - kids just want a few laughs sprinkled in with some light violence, while adults want to sit around and wonder how it’s even possible that a thirty-six year-old man exists who doesn’t own a suit and thinks a 401K is a really, really long race. - THE GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN
One thing that sucks walking around with a mask is walking by little kids. Usually if I’m walking by and a kid looks at me I’ll give them a little face, just a quick funny face. They enjoy it, I enjoy it, everybody’s happy. But now with the mask on, I realize I’m still doing it when I walk by a kid, except this time instead of a parent thinking “oh that’s funny look at the face he’s making for little Jeremy” they’re thinking “why the fuck is this guy staring at my precious child?”


ALSO: everything I said about kids in this post also applies to dogs.

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