Friday, May 27, 2022

A Few Thoughts on Our Favorite, Me!

I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE whenever someone for whom Enlgish is thir second language gets up to give a speech or presentation at work. It blows me away, the balls to get up there KNOWING your English is just so-so, so when someone does it I find myself pulling for them like a goddam racehorse with a hundred bucks on its ass. Every line I sweat out for them, and are thrilled when they land each one. Not that they need my help of course, obviously they're extremely capable, but I just am very impressed by anyone who does this.


When they do all the above, AND try to make a joke? That's when they've truly gotten me. The wherewithal/presence to know your English isn't great but you still try to land a laugh while getting through it? I will fight the entire bar for that fucker, every time. 🤗

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