Friday, May 06, 2022

More Fab Four Friyay

Yet another interesting thing about The Beatles is that here are John and Paul, 2 of the (or THE) most-desired men by females all over the world and who could've simply pointed a finger at whatever supermodel was ruling the world at the time, but neither did. Not only did they both marry women who weren't generally noted for their classical beauty, they both married women who weren't really interested in being a stay-at-home wife waiting for hubby to come home for dinner at 5:01pm. Already all of this is pretty remarkable, especially considering that when Lennon met Yoko he was 26 and when McCartney met Linda he was 25. Again, all of that's already incredible but the most crazy part is that each of them insisted on their wives making music with them!!!

Here are two of the most successful musicians in history, who could've hand-picked the greatest players in the world to play with them for pizza. Or they could've just picked some of their buddies who played good enough to be in the mix. But they each pushed their wives to work with them instead. Paul of course much more than John; Yoko was reluctant at best and John's new musical output was fairly truncated from the time they met until his death (as opposed his new musical output after his death, I suppose), while Paul made Linda a real working member of his touring band, playing keyboards even though she never really had before and singing backup. Both men took CRAZY abuse from fans/experts et al on this, whether it's pure racist attacks on Yoko or shit like Howard Stern isolating Linda's concert vocals so they can make fun of them 😡😡😡😡.

I guess you could chalk it up to either being blinded by love or being SO confident in their own exceptional talents they didn't see a problem in bringing along the wives for more than just snacks. It's all just really bananas impressive to me.


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