Friday, May 06, 2022

Okay, Fab Four Friyay is Back!

Very interesting line in this article from the folks over at The Ringer a few months ago:

(Nothing drives home how quickly the Beatles remade music than to hear them revisit their oldies as if they were artifac😜ts of an ancient time, less than six years after recording Please Please Me.)

I enjoyed that, along with whenever they'd mention The White Album (released only 6 weeks earlier and at the top of the charts) they'd call it The Beatles, leading to a billion Beatles fans all saying "what?" collectively before remember that oh yeah the actual album name is The Beatles even though exactly nobody's called it that since it came out. Except, ironically, The Beatles. 

I guess their perspective on their own past can be a bit murky as thus:

Meanwhile, from 1963 – mid (MID!) 1966 the Beatles, while completely changing modern culture as we know it, put out 7 full-length albums, several EPs, 13 singles and, just for kicks, were in two movies (one of which is an actual cinema classic.)

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