Sunday, May 08, 2022

Saturday Night Live and Our Existential Need to Bitch About it

One of my favorite things about being a human being is the ritual bitching and moaning we all do about Saturday Night Live. It's a rite of passage to say the show SUCKS! now and that the first seasons were just pure magical comedy where the laughs collapsed on top of each other until nobody could take it anymore.

1) I tried myself recently, and will give anybody who can sit through 10 minutes of the first season $100. Most of the shit's not only terrible but unwatchable; there's a reason they show the same 4 fucking clips every time there's a highlight real. Sure we all look back with fondness on a classic like the Bass-o-matic but for every one of those there's 100 sketches that nobody born after 1956 could possibly sit through and call "funny".

2) SNL is the Stones to Monty Pythons' Beatles. Python was revolutionary in everything they did, left the stage with people begging for more and will be named as an influence over every great piece of comedy - sketch or otherwise - for ages to come. Meanwhile, SNL started out a step behind, never quite caught up, still lumbers on and, much like the Stones, any conversation about them is dominated with the question, why are they still fucking doing this?


Okay I'm off to watch last night's episode.

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