Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Don't Fall for This Shit

FANTASTIC article summing up the utter bullshit of Republicans who full-on supported Trump for 4 years but now want us to think they're fucking heroes:

Pottinger knows full well that it was Trump's lap-dog nuzzling of Putin and his constant attacks on NATO and his weakening of U.S. support for Ukraine that gave Putin the idea he could attack Ukraine and get away with it in the first place. Where was our hero Pottinger when Trump virtually disassembled the entire foreign service profession at the State Department by cutting its budget by more than 30 percent? We're supposed to thank him for his heroic decision to resign 14 days before Trump left office after helping to facilitate every stupid-ass foreign affairs move Trump made for four long years?

 Yes, even Democratic hero-of-the-moment Liz Cheney gets called out.

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