Wednesday, September 07, 2022


New York news outlets eulogized sports writer Bob Trainor last night, including the YES Network's Michael Kay during the Yankees game: 
“Sad news, if you’ve ever been around a major league ballpark or any sporting events in New York—football, basketball, hockey—you saw Bob Trainor there,” Kay said, per the Post. “Forty-year fixture in all of the clubhouses. Our condolences go out to Bob’s family and friends. He was really part of the fabric of New York sports. He collected sound. The voices you heard on the radio, that could be the sound that Bob Trainor picked up. He passed away, and again our condolences go out to his family and friends.”

 The only teething snag in all this of course is that Bob Trainor is still alive.

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you remind us all about a similar but MUCH WORSE version of this?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I did:
The best story I've heard today was of the late great Bobby Murcer. Apparently Bobby had visited a terminally ill kid in the hospital, and in a Ruthian moment promised the kid he'd hit a home run in the game that night, a game that was the National Game of the Week with Keith Jackson broadcasting. Well, Bobby didn't hit one homer, he hit two. Jackson had heard about the sick boy and Bobby's promise and told the viewing audience after Bobby's second home run. A heartwarming story, no?
Turns out the kid had no idea that he was dying until he heard it from Keith Jackson on tv. Total freakout all around. Can you imagine? Three weeks later, kid was dead. Yeesh. But what a story!!

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