Thursday, August 24, 2023

Bonus EGG FOO WHAT?! Content for You People

Here's the passage about the regular meals these people had that I mentioned in this week's episode:
In the morning they rose in a house pungent with breakfast cookery, and they sat at a smoking table loaded with brains and eggs, ham, hot biscuits, fried apples seething in their gummed syrups, honey, golden butter, fried steak, scalding coffee. Or there were stacked battercakes, rum-colored molasses, fragrant ground sausages, a bowl of wet cherries, plums, fat juicy bacon, jam. At the midday meal, they ate heavily: a huge hot roast of beef, fat buttered Lima beans, tender corn smoking on the cob, thick red slabs of sliced tomatoes, rough savory spinach, hot yellow corn bread, flaky biscuits, a deep-dish peach-and-apple cobbler spiced with cinnamon, tender cabbage, deep glass dishes piled with preserved fruits-cherries, pears, peaches. At night they might eat fried steak, hot squares of grits fried in egg and butter, pork chops, fish, young fried chicken.

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