Friday, September 08, 2023

Fab Four Friyay!

John Lennon was a songwriting genius too but I've long surmised that anytime you notice a little special iconic part on any Beatles song, no matter who wrote it, the odds are 90% that it's Paul McCartney, whose exuberance in working on his bandmates songs could take them from a B+ to an A (imagine While My Guitar Gently Weeps without the burst of piano Paul plays in the intro) which I don't think you could really say was reciprocated by Lennon (partly because of his personality but also to be fair you'd hafta be a singular genius as McCartney to be able to stick your beak in so often & brilliantly and at least musically, Lennon was no Macca). A great example is Strawberry Fields Forever - already an amazing song of course, but can you even imagine it without the mellotron part Paul came up with & recorded for it? I know I can't.

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