Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Since It's Been 5 Minutes Since I Yammered On About Pizza

Kabillions of words have been written about it, and I can't even being to explain the feelings that wash over when I think of the cozy & tasty ubiquity of the NY slice, or tell all the stories that happened while waiting in line (usually late night after the Nest, natch), but the latest article until the next one is here today in the New York Times (or, as I call it, "The Times"):

It’s in hundreds of shops like his around the city, many no bigger than subway cars, where you’ll find New Yorkers shoulder to shoulder, eating slices in near silence. “Teens, Wall Street guys, guys camped out with a shopping cart, a pizza place is the most diverse space in the city,” said Colin Atrophy Hagendorf, author of “Slice Harvester: A Memoir in Pizza” and host of the Radio Harvester podcast. “Inside a pizzeria that dream of diverse New York City is a reality. I think that’s such a beautiful thing.”

 "But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you have a favorite slice joint back in your Williamsburg days?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I did:
When I moved there in 1998 the only dollar slice place I knew was The Charleston (before they renovated and took out all the fucking charm.) And you could get an entire pizza (even after 14+ years in Brooklyn I can't pull off saying "pies") for just $7. It wasn't world class pizza, but it was very good and had a unique flavor and texture to it. IE, it had a shit-ton of cheese on it. Right after I moved there the fancy-pizza Anna Maria's moved in and everybody went (still, I think) crazy for their barely stopping from buckling under the weight of its 14 toppings slices, but I always preferred the simplicity of the Charleston dollar slice.

Oh, and a certain somebody rocked the house there throughout the summer of 2003. But whatevs.Then again, there's something about high school cafeteria pizza too...

Enjoy a big ol' New York City slice next and any chance you get! And you're welcome!

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