Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Christmas Tree Cam!

Hey, dig this - Rockefeller Center Xmas tree web cam!! Live feed of the tree here in NYC. Can't beat a Christmas Tree. Ironically, Xmastime's childhood was spent with the same crappy, small artificial tree year after year. All the branches were short n stubby; approximately the length and thickness of a submarine sandwich. Ugh. And for some reason I was in charge of our manger scene, which was so old I think part of it was made from the original cross. Every year I somehow broke a piece - a lamb here, Mary there - by the time I left for college I'm sure I was just shoving groups of chalky dust around ("Look! wisemen! "). I dig that shit though - the decorating, the accompanying Xmas songs, Grandma coming in with her fuck-buddies nodding out on the smack. "Tis the Season Fuckface!" she'd always say. Sigh. We were always the last family I knew to set up our tree for some reason. Everyone else would have their shit up first week or so of December, meanwhile I guess my dad thought Santa himself was gonna set the fucking tree up at Chez Wilson. Ah well. And every Christmas morning we'd all line up in the hallway while our mother went to the living room to "see if Santa Claus came after all." She'd always come back saying yes, indeed he had come. Whew!!!! Some dolls for my sister, a Mickey Mouse record player for me, Wall Street Journal subscription for my brother etc etc. Now all I can think of is having children, if only to play that cruel joke: walk back in the hallway, shrug "oh well. he didn't come. go back to bed." and watch the little ones lose their minds. zzzzing!!

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