Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I'll Take Irene Morgan for $400, Please

A few weeks after we lay Rosa Parks to rest, this article was sent to me about Irene Morgan, a lady from only 25 miles outside of my hometown who also refused to move from her seat, and this was 11 years before the Rosa Parks' incident. Very interesting read about a woman I for one had never heard of, even while growing up,as I said, nearby. Thanks to Ryan Croxton for sending the article.

Also, this made me think of 2 things about Rosa Parks' funeral:

1) I was watching part of the service on CNN and Rev. Sharpton was speaking, and really working up a sweat, really gettin into it and taking me with him...and CNN decided to come in with a report on Nathalie Holloway. Hmm. Then it dawned on me hey, I bet BET will be showing click click...naw. Too busy showing 50 Cent videos. Is that weird? Believe me, I've given up being ashamed of being white when we're held hostage for weeks by these "news stories" of white girls disappearing; but am I wrong to think that BET of all channels would want to show as much of the Rosa Parks' funeral as possible? I dunno. I can't say I know anything about BET, or black viewers, or black people for that matter since I'm white, but it seemed a lil weird to me, tho for all I know they showed plenty of it and I just didn't see it.

2) Anyone else think it's funny that Rosa Parks - a real American society-changer, the human clarion call of equal rights in the "home of the free" - dies, and they immediately ship President Bush off to Argentina? Wow.

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