Sunday, March 04, 2007

Bill! Please!!!!!

I've always liked Bill Maher; his standup comedy as well as his no-nonsense political stuff, highlighted best on of course his HBO show. Oh, I know right-wingers love to jump up and down and scream that he is a flag-burning by-the-numbers liberal cartoon, but the fact is what really scares them is he is indeed extremely rational and the more matter-of-fact he is about stuff, the more right he is.

However, he's been pissing me off lately. Number one, his show hasn't been that funny in about 2 years. There's moments, but camon...with the comedy gold the administration gives out on a daily basis, anything less than an A++++ is unacceptable. BUT. More importantly, he's been STEALING FROM YOURS TRULY!!!!!!!!!!! Dig it:

Bill Maher on “Real Time with Bill Maher”:
“ when Britney Spears shaved her head on an impulse last week, all I could think was one thing. Well, after I thought, hey, the drapes finally match the carpet. “ Feb 23, 2007


TOMATO: tomatoes are okay. I like the little round ones in a salad. I don't like them on a burger, they just get hot and slimy. I'll take it off, along with the lettuce and eat it after the burger. "Salad." Mayo that's dripped off the burger onto your hands/mouth/plates? "Salad dressing." Britney's drapes finally matching the carpet? "Priceless." Feb 20, 2007

3 days BEFORE Bill’s joke!

Bill Maher on “The Huffington Post; he also said the exact same thing on his show that that week.
“And before the war began, it was Al Gore who got it right, who spoke unequivocally about not making this bad choice, a choice that 77 Senators voted for. But during the debates of 2000, Al Gore... sighed! We can't have a sigh-er for president! That's why I think every candidate has to come out NOW, and say or do the stupidest thing they possibly can, and get it out of the way.
· Chris Dodd must tell the religious right to take their abstinence programs and go back to Hymentown.
· John Edwards must be caught hiring an illegal alien to wash his hair.
· Sam Brownback must be caught having sex with his wife that is not for procreational purposes.
· Hillary Clinton must mispronounce South Carolina "Mouth Vagina."
· Barack Obama must tell people he's, quote, "bigger than Jesus."
· Rudy Giuliani has to declare at a press conference that he's cheating on his wife, but it's ok because he's undergoing cancer treatment and he can't get an erection anyway. He did?
· John McCain must be caught with a Filipino bar girl with an Adam's apple.” Feb 16, 2007


Also Feb 16; but if you look I posted mine at 9:29am, or 6:39am in LA. Knowing what we know about Bill Maher’s lifestyle, I doubt he gets up at 6am. Bill, listen to me: you want my stuff, HIRE ME! I'm cheap!!!!!!

You Xmastime fans who have been chomping at the bit to be pro-active feel free to flood Bill's EMAIL with this info. Or the message boards. Takin it to the streets!!! Well. The internets, anyways.

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