Friday, March 23, 2007


My eyes slowly peeling open this morning, I looked at my cable box. Holy fucking shit. 12:04. You gotta be kidding me. I rolled my head back on the pillow. I know I tied one on last night, but is this what I've become? One of those people that sleeps til noon every day? Good lord. I should hang myself. Let's be clear: I have no job. No woman. No earthly reason for getting out of bed. Like George when pressed by Kramer if he even had a reason to get out of bed in the morning, I like to read the Daily News. I am the personification of the Army mantra "hurry up and wait." I may have nothing to do or a reason to live, but I'm up dammit. And now I'm one of those pussies that sleep in til noon? Good god.


Turns up our cable is out. It's 7:02. Thank god. So now not only am I up at a reasonable hour like a man, but the week I'm off tv, the cable goes out. One. for. XMASTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weekend marathon country music festival on WKCR. Interrupted of course by Mike and the Mad Dog. Is it possible to be more obsessed with these guys? Doubt it.

"I just ate that hot dog cart."
"WOWWWW!! That's a gweat job, Mikey!! One for the Big Guy!"

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