Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Rugby v. Football, from a reader over at Andrew Sullivan.

Over the years I've grown tired of rich white dudes in awe of themselves over how tough rugby is, loudly braying at the bar to smitten chicks about how much rougher it is than football. Yes, it is physical and rough but to compare it to football is absurd, for a simple reason: rugby dudes are always up on top of each other, there is no velocity to add to their hitting. It's a contact sport, but mostly close contact. A lot of grabbing and pulling. Football, you have two 260-lb dudes each running a 4.5 40 working up steam for yards on end, colliding violently into each other. Rolling around in your Land's End rugby shirts does not compare to this. I'm not calling rugby players pussies, far from it, but I'm glad to hear someone else say enuff is enuff.

As someone pretty tuff himiself, Vince Lombardi once said: "Football is not a contact sport, it's a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport."

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