Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Please Shut Up (I'll Get Back to Titties n Toilet Bowls after Noon, I Promise)

John Edwards is my guy, but Elizabeth Edwards needs to shut the fuck up. You are not the candidate, your husband is - your job is to dress nice, smile and be friendly to as many people as possible. I'm sure you're a great person, I respect you, but you can only hurt your husband's chances by opening your mouth. When did this shit begin, where wives of Presidents or candidates have to matter? I guess we can blame Hilalry, who grabbed the reins of HealthCare. Laura soon followed and was pressured to "own an issue", so she chose pretending to give a shit if kids could read. Now Rudy's threatening to put his wife in his fucking Cabinet - her qualifications seeming to be, of course, stomaching Rudy's dick inside her while he whispers CNN transcripts of 9/11 into her ear. Hmm. Seems fair. Once again, this all goes back to we're more concerned with how strong someone's marriage is etc over his vision and competence. I know of several people who could not pull the trigger for Kerry cause his wife kept popping off, and it's tuff to blame them.

I don't feel I'm being a chauvinist here. Tho Hillary's an exception cause her husband was a two-term Prez, any woman in the future who was running I'd say the same about her spouse: dress nice, smile, and shut the fuck up, I'm not voting for your thoughts or vision. Please, Liz - shut up!


  1. No way. She has immunity and can say whatever without fear of retribution. Go for it.

    I know. CUT!

  2. John Edwards is my guy too. What American needs right now is a hott prezz
