Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm Sorry, is there an Election This Week?

"Fear is the most powerful enemy of reason" - Al Gore

Last week I found it mildly amusing in it's absurdness, but now I'm getting riled. Enough with this horseshit; we have a police force, a military, an FBI and CIA and an office of "Homeland Security" - do your fucking jobs. Knock off this public "oh gee, I dunno, I'd get worried now..." bullshit you use to both scare us into believing your nonsense and for your own cover if something should actually happen (which, apparently you would know nothing about since you dumbfucks are just throwing darts.) Let's be honest, so far your track record on getting ANYTHING right so far is the exact same as the odds of my finishing this sentence without saying "fuck": fucking ZERO. This sky is falling shit, this King George reign of fear is not only nonsense, but downright irresponsible.

The fact is Kerry had it right: terrorism should be a mild nuisance for us. Period. I shouldn't hafta hear about it, I shouldn't hafta be checking random vans on the street. It sounds gay cause it's cliched, but yes - if I hafta spend my days checking vans and calling in every non-white person I see from my bedroom as I'm cowering in the closet cause your "terror alert color" is at orange, then yes, the terrorists have indeed "won." The stupid shit you assholes are pumping out to us in the press can only be cracking up Osama et al. If they can keep the "Sopranos" finale completely secret while working on it, can't you keep our national security on the down low? DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

What happened to "live your lives! shop, spend money!"? Now it's "lay under your covers until Fred Thompson announces and he and running mate Charlie Daniels can go kick some A-rab ASS!!!"

Don't listen to this stupid shit. In the 231 years we've been a country we've lost less than 4000 people to "terrorism." We have over 5 times as many murders in this country every year - where's the panic over this; why isn't the White House screaming at us to be on the lookout for these guys, to be careful!!! be scared!!! Hmm. It's a mystery. Oh, and gee...this is the shit that we hafta hear about instead of the fact that Bush just quietly vetoed a bill that would give 4.1 million CHILDREN health insurance. Yes, I'm sure it got scuttled because the Dems just invented pork and someone in North Dakota would also receive $50,000 for left-handed scissors in schools. Hey, maybe we'll get lucky and the terrorists will wipe out these 4.1 million kids so we don't have to pay their health insurance, fucking crybabies. I'll keep my fingers crossed, you sleep well.

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