Thursday, August 16, 2007


I'm so fucking depressed. A month ago, I was riding high: eating fruits and salads, working out, walking, on a healthy high. Felt good, felt good about myself, couldn't wait to hit 200. Then my birthday hit, and I let myself slack off. Next thing you know I'm visiting Paddy Mac, then the beach, giving myself alloances to slack. S'okay I told myself I'll get right back on it and I'll be alright. Then Monday my knee got fucked up, so I've been immobile. Just ate about a gallon of spaghetti. Have completely undermined all my hard work from May-July. Totally negated. Fuck. Furious and depressed out of my mind. This sucks.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling, I've been slacking off for 2 weeks now. I feel like crap...depressed as all heck.
    I lost like 18lbs in 8 I'm afraid to get on the scale.
    We should be diet buddies.
    Tomorrow is another day, XMT.
